Video Tutorial - Fun Ways to Create Meaningful Goals

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Video Tutorial - Fun Ways to Create Meaningful Goals

Let's face it, goal setting can be a serious topic for most people. As much as we believe goals should be taken seriously to fully achieve them, we believe in having fun in the process.

Here are 2 fun and creative ways to think about what goals to set for yourself and even your kids.

1. The Perfect Day

Write down what your perfect day would be, answering questions like:

  • What time would you wake up?
  • What would you eat?
  • Where would you go?
  • What would you do?
  • Who would you be with?

For example, my perfect day would look something like this:

  • Wake up at 5am.
  • Do my morning routine (journal, exercise, meditate, drink water, read a book).
  • Work on Izzaroo.
  • Sit down to have breakfast with my family
  • Take a morning walk together.
  • Spend time outside playing at a park or on a hike, exploring new places and things. Have a picnic lunch. Homeschooling.
  • Crank up the music for an afternoon family dance party.
  • Sit down for dinner with my family (have some fun conversation)
  • Enjoy a family activity (play a board game)
  • Cozy up for a prayer and big hug.
  • Tuck the kids into bed.
  • 1:1 time with my husband
  • In bed by 10pm

Let these answers give you ideas for new goals. By doing this exercise, you'll notice how much of your daily routine already meets certain goals that you have or opportunities to build new ones.

Now, I can look at my ideal day to get inspiration to create new goals that are meaningful to me. For example, I could make it a goal to: Reserve 10 minutes for a dance party everyday for the next 3 months. I would use the SMART goal setting framework to make it happen. For a more in-depth explanation of how SMART goals work, we explain it in this blog post.

2. Write a Bucket List

Most people already have a bucket list written, or at least floating in their mind. If you don't have one yet, there's no better time than now to make one!

Some bucket list examples could be:

  • Visit the seven wonders of the world
  • Visit all the national parks in the U.S.
  • Visit the Grand Canyon
  • Hold a tarantula
  • Go to Mardi Gras
  • Stay at the Ice Hotel in Sweden
  • See the northern lights
  • Go snorkeling in Hawaii
  • Go skydiving
  • Fly in a hot air balloon
  • Be able to hold a plank for 5 minutes
  • Run a marathon
  • Learn archery
  • Learn to read sheet music
  • Sing karaoke
  • Solve a Rubik's cube

Head here to see our full list of 100+ Bucket List Ideas full of fun, adventure and good deeds.

Now, all you have to do is use your list as inspiration to set some fun and meaningful goals this year. Next, use these 3 steps to achieve any goal!

Sometimes, we make goals because we think we should, when in fact, it's not meaningful to us. As a result, we don't achieve it because our heart just isn't in it. I hope this inspires you to take some action toward your goals, in a fun and meaningful way!

It takes intentionality to create the life you want. Our digital planning products are here to help you do just that.


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