100+ Bucket List Ideas Full of Fun, Adventure and Good Deeds

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100+ Bucket List Ideas Full of Fun, Adventure and Good Deeds

We love filling our days with fun, adventure and good deeds. To keep us motivated to try new things, we came up with a list of 100+ bucket list ideas.
We are slowly checking things off our list. All the check marks indicate things we've done.
Here are 100+ ideas to help create your own bucket list:

Just for fun:

  1. Be part of a Flashmob
  2. Hold a tarantula
  3. Attend a murder mystery dinner ✓
  4. Have fun with a slip-n-slide ✓
  5. Go to a drive in movie theater ✓
  6. Ride a segway
  7. Go skydiving ✓
  8. Ride a donkey ✓
  9. Be able to hold a plank for 5 minutes
  10. Ride a camel ✓
  11. Run a marathon
  12. Learn archery ✓
  13. Swim with sharks ✓
  14. Learn to read sheet music
  15. Fly on a trapeze ✓
  16. Sing karaoke ✓
  17. Stand under a waterfall
  18. Do a handstand
  19. Solve a Rubik's cube
  20. Work on a pottery wheel
  21. Attend a poetry reading ✓
  22. Be a game show contestant
  23. Crowd surf
  24. Watch whales breach out of the water ✓
  25. Ride a mechanical bull
  26. Ride in a hot air balloon
  27. Be an extra in a movie
  28. Sleep in an igloo
  29. Go geocaching ✓
  30. Learn to croche ✓
  31. Witness a solar eclipse
  32. Learn to play chess ✓
  33. Create a source of passive income
  34. Have a romantic dinner on a rooftop
  35. Go zip-lining ✓
  36. Wrap a snake around your neck ✓
  37. Go spelunking in a cave ✓
  38. Swim with a school of fish ✓
  39. Walk on a bed of nails
  40. Get a tattoo ✓
  41. Explore an ice cave ✓
  42. Hang glide
  43. Hold a shark ✓
  44. Dive off a cliff
  45. Parasail ✓
  46. Reppel down a waterfall
  47. Hike a volcano ✓
  48. Ride ATVs ✓
  49. Go to Moneterey Bay Aquarium
  50. Scuba dive
  51. Walk a suspension hanging bridge ✓
  52. Go line dancing ✓
  53. Walk on hot coals
  54. Go to a monster truck race ✓
  55. White water rafting ✓
  56. Act in a play ✓
  57. Hold an alligator ✓
  58. Go to a Nascar Race
  59. Attend a rodeo
  60. Go to Joshua Tree National Park ✓
  61. Chase a tonado
  62. Hold a monkey
  63. Horseback ride on the beach ✓
  64. Go to Sequoia National Park


  1. Visit the Grand Canyon
  2. Be part of Mardi Gras
  3. Stay at the Ice Hotel in Sweden
  4. See the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace ✓
    1. Visit the Pyramids of Giza ✓
    2. See the northern lights
    3. Go snorkeling in Hawaii ✓
    4. Go on a cruise ✓
    5. Visit the Washington Monument ✓
      1. Visit the Eiffel Tower ✓
      2. Go to Brazilian Carnival
      3. Walk along the Great Wall of China ✓
      4. Visit the Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine in Japan ✓
      5. Attend the Olympics
      6. See a Broadway Musical ✓
      7. Go to La Tomatina
      8. Be part of a Holi Festival in India
      9. Visit the Parthenon in Athens ✓
      10. Go on a cross country road trip

      Good Deeds:

      1. Bring baked goods to a police/fire station ✓
      2. Organize a fundraiser for a good cause ✓
      3. Clean up a public area like a nature trail or beach
      4. Serve a meal a homeless shelter ✓
      5. Volunteer at a pet shelter
      6. Make a handmade gift ✓
      7. Exercise daily ✓
      8. Make blessing bags for the needy
      9. Meditate daily ✓
      10. Get a PhD
      11. Document your family history ✓
      12. Start your own business ✓
      13. Visit an orphanage
      14. Sponsor a child thru Compassion International
      15. Mentor a child ✓
      16. Plant a tree
      17. Adopt an animal ✓
      18. Buy a coffee for a stranger
      19. Donate your hair to locks of love ✓
      20. Participate in Habitat for Humanity
      21. Make a meal for a friend in need ✓
      22. Meet a world leader
      23. Walk/run in a race for a good cause ✓
      24. Sponsor a family during the holiday season ✓
      25. Volunteer at a nursing home
      26. Do something to show the appreciation for troops ✓
      27. Donate books to the library
      28. Give blood ✓

      Your turn! We'd love to hear what's on your bucket list. This is a growing list so we'll be happy to add yours to the mix. Share yours in the comments section below.

      I hope this gives you inspiration to make your own bucket list to make amazing memories and achieve your goals! 

      In the video below and this blog post, I mention how using your bucket list is a great way to create meaningful goals. The second way is by using your 'perfect day 'as inspiration. Watch the video or read the blog post for all the details.

      Now that your goals are set, need some help to accomplish them? Here are 3 steps I follow to achieving any goal.

      At IZZAROO, our mission is to Be The Good. If you want to spread more goodness into the world, you'll love our collection of Be The Good shirts10% of net profits will benefit organizations that empower underprivileged youth. 

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