DIY Tutorials - 4 Ways to Turn Pants into Shorts

CREATE, DIY, sewing -

DIY Tutorials - 4 Ways to Turn Pants into Shorts

If you're anything like me, you have a surplus of pants and a shortage of shorts. Not ideal for summer at all.

In a few easy steps, you too, can turn pants you don't wear much anymore into shorts you'll love. It's a win-win-win situation. You make the most of your current wardrobe, save the cash for something else, and they'll fit perfectly because they were your pants to begin with.

Let's get started. Here 4 ways to turn pants into shorts:

1. Turn pants inside out
2. Mark desired length with a line
3. Cut 1 inch below 'desired length line'
4. Serge both pant legs so they don't fray (optional)
5. Fold and iron at 'desired length line'
6. Sew all around both pant legs

Cut & Fold:
1. Mark desired length with a line
2. Cut 1 inch below 'desired length line'
3. Fold (toward outside of pants so raw edge is showing) and iron at 'desired length line'
4. Tack (sew a few stitches back and forth) so it won't unfold. Tack along the sides and front and back (4 total) - Example below

1. Turn pants inside out
2. Mark desired length with a line
3. Cut 2 inches below 'desired length line'
4. Turn pants right-side out
5. Fold 1 inch and iron
6. Fold 1 inch again and iron
7. Tack (sew a few stitches back and forth) so it won't unfold. Tack along the sides and front and back (4 total) - Example below

1. All in the name... cut it and you're done! Edges will fray naturally after wearing and washing.

 Example of tacking:

IZZAROO - 4 Ways to turn pants into shorts

I hope this inspires you to #CREATEmore with what you have. I would love to hear what you think of these and see your own creations!

If you're a creative soul like me, you'll love our collection of Create More shirts10% of net profits will benefit organizations that empower underprivileged youth. Learn more about our mission to Be The Good.

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