Travel Tips for Visiting the Monterey Bay Aquarium
On a recent road trip, we went to Monterey for a wedding, then to Sequoia National Park. While in Monterey, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to take the kids to Monterey Bay Aquarium for their first time.
We had such an amazing time exploring the aquarium we wanted to share our experience with you. There are a ton of fun things for the kids to do/see/touch - these are just a few...
First, here are some tips for getting tickets:
We used our AAA membership for discount tickets. They offers $5 off adults, $4 off students/seniors, $3 children ages 3-12. To obtain discounts, all tickets must be purchased online or in advance at a AAA Northern CA, NV & UT branch offices or by calling the AAA Call Center at 888-937-5523.
The local Costco also sells 2 day passes at a discount.
However you get your tickets, be sure to get them BEFORE you head to the aquarium. The line for tickets at the door is ridiculously long in the morning.
We went straight to the "open sea" exhibit to see the most massive tank ever. 1 million gallons to be exact.
We saw a beautiful hammer head shark and LOTS of sardines. Check out this video we took of them during a feeding.
I love how the aquarium is so kid friendly! Aside from numerous play areas, there were a number of touching pools for us to feel all kinds of sea life. Zander is touching a "decorator crab" in the photo above.
One of the coolest sea creatures we saw there... the Flamboyant Cuttlefish. It's color changes as it swims! I've never seen anything like it.
My amazing husband, repping our Play More tee.
I am a sucker for a good quote. This is one of the great ones we stubbled upon.
We went outside to enjoy the view of the bay and watch sea otters pop in and out of the water. The kids were wearing our Explore More tee and Be The Good tee so of course, I had them model for me. Did you know that we donate 10% of net profits to organizations that empower underprivileged youth?! Learn more about our mission to Be The Good.
Before you leave Monterey, I'd recommend dining at one of restaurants. Many of them have amazing views. Just be sure to grab the seat with a view before the kids do!
Hope your visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium is as great as ours was. If you have any questions/comments/tips of your own to share, feel free in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you!
- Mary
P.S. If you are a lover of sea life like us, you might enjoy our handmade Halloween Costumes as sea creatures.