DIY Tutorial - How to Make Faucet Extender for Toddlers


DIY Tutorial - How to Make Faucet Extender for Toddlers

(Note: Some links in this post are affiliate links, and we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through our links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

Who cut the cheese? We did, of course!

After visits to Target and Babies-R-Us looking for an affordable faucet extender without much luck, we decided to make our own.  

We created a budget-friendly faucet extender using a parmesan cheese container. It's simple to make, easy to clean and works great.

Here's what you'll need:

DIY Tutorial - How to Make Faucet Extender for Toddlers


  • Cut and drill 3 holes on the bottom of the container. The large square hole is where the faucet will be inserted. 2 smaller holes are for the rubber band.
  • Drill a small hole in the bottom of the container to drain any excess water.

The steps are simple:  Cut and drill 3 holes on the bottom of the container. Large square hole is where the faucet will be inserted. 2 smaller holes are for the rubber band. We used a 4 inch rubber band.  Drill a small hole on the bottom of the container to drain any excess water.

  •  Insert the rubber band and attach it to your faucet. 

Here’s the little monster washing his hands on his own like a champ.

Next two steps are pretty self explanatory. Insert the rubber band and attach it to your faucet. And in the words of my hubby… you’re DONEZO!  Here’s the little monster in action using his new gadget made by his macgyver Daddy

There you have it. It may not be fancy but it sure is functional. Hope this inspires you to make your own “cheesy” creations. If you found this useful or have any questions leave us your comments below, we love hearing from you!

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