DIY Tutorial - Turn Your Old Graphic T-shirts Into Kids' Long Sleeve T-Shirts

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DIY Tutorial - Turn Your Old Graphic T-shirts Into Kids' Long Sleeve T-Shirts

After looking around for some new (stylish) long sleeve shirts for my ever-growing baby boy with very little luck, I was on a mission to make him some myself.

Since printed jersey fabric isn't cheap, I decided to see what my husband and I could part with in our own wardrobes to use as material.  I couldn't think of a better excuse to get my hubby to go through his overflowing dresser full of t-shirts. Making a small dent in his collection, he let go of about a dozen shirts. Best of all, some tees had cool graphics I could repurpose into something rad and one of a kind for Zander. Some of my favorites were his old (but well loved) Bob Marley, Bruce Lee and concert tees.

Using the 90 minute shirt tutorial from one of my favorite blogs, MADE Everyday, I transformed my husband's old shirts into brand new munchkin-sized long sleeve tees. The first version I made (navy with white trim) took MUCH longer than 90 minutes (more like 300 minutes), but I’m thrilled to say I can make him a shirt in LESS than 90 minutes now!

I love these because 1. they look stinkin' adorable 2. they remind me of our family - my husband's tees, my hard work and my Zanderoo. Nothing beats seeing my kids wear things I make them. That feeling is why I love to sew.

There you have it. I hope this inspires you to think twice about your next Goodwill donation and instead, make something adorable for your kids to wear. Let us know what you think in the comments below, we love hearing from you!

If you haven't already, check out our shop. 10% will benefit organizations that empower underprivileged youth. Learn more about our mission to Be The Good.

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