Mom Health and Postnatal Depletion - Mindful Moms Movement Podcast EP006

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Mom Health and Postnatal Depletion - Mindful Moms Movement Podcast EP006

Hi Friends, 

On today's episode, I have the pleasure of talking to my good friend and health coach, Harper Guerra about just one area she speaks about with Moms, which is the challenge of postnatal depletion. This issue is one that affects many of us who have had children much deeper and for a much longer time than we may think and can be an area of health that, if addressed, can create a significant and positive ripple effect in all other areas of our life.


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In This Episode Mary & Harper Discuss:

  • Why mom health is important
  • What postnatal depletion is and who is affected
  • How postnatal depletion can be treated
  • How we can empower our daughters from suffering from postnatal depletion

Mentioned in This Episode:

About Harper:

Harper’s health journey originates from a time early in her marriage when she was the boxed pasta master chef. (not a good thing!) Since then she’s grown from unhealthy to healthy and for over the last decade has been empowering and equipping women, moms in particular, to do the same so they can show up strong, healthy and with clarity to their callings in life. Whether working with a person one-on-one or speaking to a crowd of thousands, Harper has been able to multiply the change she loves to see in the world by coaching others to build health based businesses and integrating that passion to create an impactful business into her priority of being a wife and mom. She partners with a 63 year old company named Shaklee to provide health resources that she can be confident to recommend to meet the needs of anyone at any point in their health journey. Harper has become well-respected in her field as she has been educated by nutritionists, naturopaths, medical professors, chiropractors and more. She and her husband Ryan live in Chicago with their three children and work together to continue to build a life that is integrated as best as it can be between their faith, family and business. It’s a journey not a destination! They love to spend time being active in their communities and the gym, the places they find give them life and energy.

Today Harper will share with us just one area she speaks about with women in particular, which is the challenge of postnatal depletion. This issue is one that effects any of us who have had children much deeper and for a much longer time than we may think and can be an area of health that, if addressed, can create a significant and positive ripple effect in all other areas of our life.

Some of the key nutrients in which women experience postnatal depletion:
  • Omega 3/DHA: Key for mental health from anxiety to “baby fog” as well as key for baby’s brain development while nursing. Side benefits: better skin, healthier eyes, healthier hair, healthier heart (blood pressure/cholesterol)
  • Calcium/Magnesium: Helps with quality of sleep, leg cramps, and long-term helps to prevent osteoporosis.
These next four are also the key nutrients women need for energy:
  • Iron: Key for energy
  • B Vitamins: Crucial energy, mood, focus, stress—also helps hair re-growth, nerves, anxiety, and more.
  • Vitamin D: Crucial not only for energy, but mood, immunity & long-term health
  • Protein: Critical for our brain cells to function and also for healthy weight loss
  • Surprised by these four? Listen to the podcast!
You can follow Harper on IG @guerrahealth or on her blog at You
can learn more about the supplements she recommends for postnatal depletion at

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Episode Typed Out

Motherhood. It can sure feel like a rollercoaster. Full of ups, downs, with lots of twists and turns along the way.  Here on the Mindful Moms Movement podcast, we are taking time to savor the highs, reflect on the lows and learn strategies for navigating those twists and turns. Let's be honest, if we're not intentional about how we use our time, it will fly by before you know it. It's our mission here to slow things down and enjoy the ride. 
Hi friends, I'm your host, Mary To-Saturnio. I am a mom to 2 little munchkins and creator of IZZAROO and Mindful Moms Movement. Join me in honest conversations about motherhood. Learn creative ways to strengthen your relationships with your kids and husband, optimize your health and home, and leave a legacy of fun and intention. I'm so excited to be spending this time with you today, let's get started!

Welcome to episode 006 of the Mindful Moms Movement Podcast.

Transcription of this episode is in the works...


Hey Momma, I'm here to serve you! Let me know how I can best do that by asking me any question you have. You might have the same question has another Momma AND you might hear the answer to your question on a future episode. 

If you have a  comment or suggestion about today's episode or the podcast in general, send me an email at or connect with me on FacebookInstagram.


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