5 Healthy Habits - Mindful Moms Movement Podcast EP13 with Kristin Frade

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5 Healthy Habits - Mindful Moms Movement Podcast EP13 with Kristin Frade

Hi Friends, 

On this interview with Kristin Frade, we learn 5 habits that will help start a healthy lifestyle.


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In This Episode Mary & Kristin Discuss:

  • Identify your why and make the choice.
  • How much water to drink daily.
  • Size and consistency of meals.
  • When to stop eating at night.
  • How to regulate carbs in meals
  • How much protein to have per meal.

Mentioned in This Episode:

About Kristin:

Kristin Frade is a wife and a mom of three young children. She started working with nutrition over a decade ago when she joined her husband's fitness business in order to expand their offerings. Over the past 12 years, she has coached thousands of people in business, health, and personal development. She has a passion for helping people become more! Kristin is currently in North Carolina, continuing to lead people to a healthier lifestyle as well as scaling her leadership and coaching business.

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Episode Typed Out

Hi friends, I'm your host, Mary To-Saturnio. I am a mom to 2 little munchkins and creator of IZZAROO and Mindful Moms Movement. Join me in honest conversations about motherhood. Learn creative ways to strengthen your relationships with your kids and husband, optimize your health and home, and leave a legacy of fun and intention. I'm so excited to be spending this time with you today, let's get started!

Before we begin this episode, I wanted to ask you a few questions:

Are you a mom who is looking for authentic relationships with other moms?
A space where you can be vulnerable about the challenges you're going through?
A place to ask questions and get inspired by experts in parenting, marriage, health and home?
Are you looking for accountability on your goals?
Are you ready to uplevel as a mom, wife and as an individual?

If you answered yes to any of these I want you to listen up because this could be a just the thing you've been searching for.

My Mindful Moms Movement Mastermind Community is a sacred space for moms to be themselves, without any judgement. We lean on each other, we learn from each other and we laugh a whole lot together. As Moms, we can isolate and resist asking for help because we feel like we should be able to do everything ourselves, right? Wrong. I know you're nodding right along with me because you get where I'm coming from. From my own personal experience, having a human connection and learning from perspective has allowed me to shift my life into possibility and find opportunities that I would never have discovered on my own.

I am so excited to tell you about the limited-time promotion I am running for membership into my Mindful Moms Movement Mastermind Community. It is typically $97/month and for a limited time, it's only $47/month. As part of the membership, you'll get access to me and the wonderful mommas in the community. We have weekly community call for us to have a space to be vulnerable, connect and learn from experts in parenting, marriage, health, and home. We have daily accountability on our goals as well as fun challenges throughout the month that help us be silly and create deep connections with our family.

If this is resonating with you, go ahead and press pause right now and go apply at  www.mindfulmomsmovement.com. I can't wait to have you part of our amazing community of like-minded mommas who are eager to uplevel their lives, create deep connections with other moms and in their own families.

Apply Today

Mindful Moms Movement Mastermind



No, without further adu, here's the episode you've been waiting for.

Kristin Frade is a wife and a mom of three young children. She started working with nutrition over a decade ago when she joined her husband's fitness business in order to expand their offerings. Over the past 12 years, she has coached thousands of people in business, health, and personal development. She has a passion for helping people become more! Kristin is currently in North Carolina, continuing to lead people to a healthier lifestyle as well as scaling her leadership and coaching business.

Hi friends, welcome back to the Mindful Moms Movement podcast. Today on the show I have my friend, Kristin Frade, who is a mom of 3 kiddos.  I met Kristin a few years ago when we both had preschoolers and we went to Mops (mothers of preschoolers together). Since then, we've kept in touch and she joined my Mindful Moms Movement Facebook Community, which is a free online community for moms to come together, have a space to feel support, inspired and ask questions from moms from all walks of life. To join the community, head to facebook.com/groups/mindfulmomsmovement.

As moms, we can often feel like we're surviving each day.  She has been working in nutrition for over a decade and is here to give us 5 tangible things you can do to get healthier - start the journey with these basics, we can apply to our lives to achieve better health as moms.

Stay tuned for the transcription of the rest of this episode.

I hope you enjoyed this episode the Mindful Moms Movement Podcast. Did you know that we have an exclusive community with Moms from around the world to have conversations just like this. Conversations that are vulnerable and authentic about motherhood. It's total free and I want you to join, go to Facebook.com/groups/mindfulmomsmovement

If you are really ready to up-level and take real action on creating an abundant, joy-filled, and intentional life - I created a community just for us Mommas, that's right, I'm very active in there and I want you to come hang out with me. It's called Mindful Moms Movement Mastermind Community. In there, we have moms from all walks of life forming authentic relationships that support and inspire each other to be the best mom and wife we can be for our family. We meet face to face on virtual zoom calls, form authentic friendships with other moms, learn from and have access to experts to help us improve our health, parenting, marriage, finances and so much more. We have high levels of accountability to achieve our goals and my favorite part, we have a lot of fun together! We have challenges that remind us to have fun with our kids and husbands. Let's face it, Mom life can get really overwhelming and stressful and unless we're intentional about having fun, it just doesn't happen. For more details on how to join the community head to mindfulmomsmovement.com.

Thanks for tuning inYou can find all the show notes at izzaroo.com/podcast/013Let's be friends on Instagram and Facebook, you can find me @mindfulmomsmovement. If you haven't done so already, subscribe to the podcast to get notified every time a new episode is released. When you have a minute, leave a us a rating or review, and share the podcast with your friends on social media. it really helps us get found and be able to serve more people.  I appreciate you more than you know. Until the next episode keep creating a legacy of intention and fun.  See ya next time! 


Hey Momma, I'm here to serve you! Let me know how I can best do that by asking me any question you have. You might have the same question has another Momma AND you might hear the answer to your question on a future episode. 

If you have a  comment or suggestion about today's episode or the podcast in general, send me an email at hello@izzaroo.com or connect with me on FacebookInstagram.


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